Sunday, March 9, 2014

Boiled rice upma(Choru upma)

                                                                  When my brother was a small boy ,everyday he demanded different types of snacks after returning from school. My mother may not get enough  time everyday to prepare different snacks or some days there may not be enough things to prepare snacks. during such occasions she used to prepare boiled rice upma because there will be already boiled rice which she had prepared for lunch.Boiled rice upma is a very tasty dish, very easy to prepare and needs less ingredients. It can be had as breakfast,for lunch or for  dinner, when there are no enough side dishes or curry. It can also be had with evening tea.
1 cup boiled rice
1 onion or 2 small onions
1 sprig curry leaf
1 papad
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Salt to taste
2 dried red chilli
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon ghee(optional)
         Keep a pan over low flame. Pour coconut oil into it. When oil becomes hot, put mustard seeds into it. let it pop in the oil. Cut the papad into 4 or 5 pieces with your hands and put them in the oil. Stir well and allow them to fry. Put red chilli into the pan after cutting it into small pieces and stir well. Add curry leaves and salt. Now add boiled rice and stir well for 2 or 3 minutes. Add ghee and mix well with the rice upma. Switch off the flame. Remove the boiled rice upma to another vessel. Serve hot. If want , you can serve it with coconut dry chutney or pickle or vegetable stir fry or anything you have at home  like chutney powder fish, papad etc.


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